+52 -10 36 months return of best & worst ranked Hedge-Funds
AlphaRanks provides professional investors, with an independent systematic quantitative RELATIVE RANKING of the performance of investments. The PREDICTIVE VALUE of the Ranking is
monitored through OUT-OF-SAMPLE Rank Indices. This is an upcoming ranking service of
hedge funds and other asset classes. Contact:
info@alpharanks.com |
HEDGE FUNDS : All Strategies Performances of One to Five ALPHAS
indices compared to the equally weighted all funds index. |
*Based on a universe of approximately 5000 funds. Out-Of-Sample Indices, are constructed by
investing equally in all Hedge-Funds belonging to one class of ranking (for
example 5 Alphas) in the month that follows the ranking. The "All
Funds" Index,
is constructed by investing equally in all Hedge-Funds. www.alpharanks.com |